Ben Miller is a card carrying geek who spends time bouncing from one hi-tech project to the next. Ben spent years consulting in the tech industry before co-founding of one of the first cloud computing platforms Bluelock where he works as Product Solution Director. Occasionally he takes a moment to experiment with hobby electronics and blog about it. When not working, famlying, tinkering, or blogging Ben enjoys telling stories. His first book Like Minds is due out the end of 2014.
Ben lives with his wife and three children in Indiana where he enjoys reading, writing, geocaching, and all things geeky. He and his wife are dedicated to bringing up their three geeks who love God, making sure they grow in their faith and knowledge. When the opportunity presents itself they boldly seek out and find the nearest Maker Faire or 'Con. He’d be delighted to see you at one.
Ben blogs his tech projects at: and his writing and fiction contest entries at Follow his occasional tweets and posts at @NomDeBen or +BenMillerG on G+.
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